And my Sis says my Blog needs attention. I guess I'll let you know what we've done the month of October.. and we've done A maybe I'll just tell ya about the fun stuff. I think it's all been mostly fun. So here goes..
*Chessie came to visit (and then later in the month WE ALL visited her).

*Mimi got a new puppy. A Havanese. Zeddie. He's a cute, furry, handful and a spitting image of Hunni.

*GiGi had a birthday and we went out and then came back home for cake and playtime with Liam.

*We had a playdate with Abigail at Chickfila. This is fun stuff. Aren't they precious girls?

*Momma, Dadda, and Cal went to see Elmo in Norfolk. She loved = We loved
* We started Kindermusik on Wednesday and it is a wonderful class full of music, stories, etc.
*Next up was our trip to "the Mountains" for the Fall Festival. It was a gorgeous weekend and
we camped or rather we roughed it in what you might not call a cabin by the river. We spent endless hours by the campfire and ate eons of roasted marshmallows. I regret not taking enough pics, but the memories are certainly there. I did get some pretty good shots of the kids out at Roaring Run. We danced the night away at Kristen and Matt's Saturday night. Michael Jackson lives on in the eyes and hearts of Ellyana, Colter, and Callie! Mimi's Birthday fell on the last day of her she of course got Halloween cupcakes on the go!
*The following week was full of Stella and Dot for me and by Friday it was girl's night..
*Take that back...On Thursday Del, Callie, and I headed to Farmville.. so it was girl's day. It was a crisp Fall day and a perfect one for furniture shopping at Greenfront. We spent all day looking at furniture and ate a great lunch at Charley's. Callie started out with a bout of car sickness but that passed and she was such a joy. She loves her 'Del' so much! Kelly bought a divine looking chair and couch for her new apartment in Richmond.
*Friday - Happy Birthday Kelly! And so we hung from the poles... ouch! Pole Dancing...hands down, hardest workout ever. I was sore for 3.5 days and I am so doing it again. We ended the night with PF Changs. YUM!
*An exciting tidbit is that Ellyana is going to be in a production at the Ferguson Center on January 27. Callie and I took her for an audition that her music teacher suggested her for on Monday. We waited outside the audition like it were American Idol. It is for the King and I. And we are all stoked. She has a musical part with several other children. She is after all, the first born!
We've visited with new babies, gone to showers, decorated for fall, worked on building a swingset from scratch(mostly G)...baked a little, and the list goes on. It has certainly been a busy one. This weekend is busy, too. We hope to make it to the Pumpkin Patch this weekend..something we have not done. So while this post is a little long and boring, I hope to get back to normal posting soon ;)
Until then.... Happy Fall Y'all! It has been a beautifully busy one. We are loving every minute of it with our 3 foot 3 inches ever so tall baby girl. xoxo