Friday, June 10, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Things are growing around 1303.

Hanging Baskets from Ware Produce ... always just lovely

This hibiscus and I have a history.  You see it is from Our Wedding Day.  That makes it over 4 years old..and that is old in plant years around here.  I winter this thing in the garage or inside.. and we do okay.  Not always grand... but she's a flowering.. daily now!  And I love her... we're making memories - our hibiscus and us. 

Ginormous Fern also came from Ware Produce.. this thing WOWs!  I have never used this planter as a planter before.. it's just too darn big and even for this big ole fern.  But, a friend gave me a great tip.  I filled the empty space around the pot with empty plastic bottles - everything from water bottles to two liters to big apple juice containers.  I'm telling you this pot is big.  This trick also works if you have a big planter and you want to fill the bottom so you don't have to use so much potting soil; you can just pot on top of all the plastic.

I caught the Hydrangeas in the early morn.. now the 96 degrees temps are getting to them in our unshaded yard.  But they are still my favs. does your garden grow?  Mine grows by the watering of a precious 22 month old baby girl each morn and the sweet sunshine all day ;) 

*Still promises of the garden trellis.. I'm gonna snap a pic of it this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. That's what I do with my big planter by the front dor, only I use an upside down smaller pot on the bottom then set my begonia pot right on top! Mom taught me that last summer- great tip! Send Cal over my way for some watering, I'm getting tired of doing it and can use her help : )
