Friday, June 10, 2011

Zebra Zebra

On Friday June 3rd Ellyana's Spa opened for business for the night.  A sleepover for 18 1st and 2nd graders.  Carrie, Courtney, Mom, Stacey, Kelly, Lauren and myself gave natural spa treatments and the girls gave us a run for our money or lack thereof.  So worth it when  more than one of the girls came out with "this is the life!"  Carrie and I spent a few weeks getting things together and Courtney, Carrie, and I spent several days the week of over at 'Poppy's' transforming his whole den into the 'Spa Room'.

Our first go at tissue paper pom-poms.  We followed a Martha Stewart online tutorial.  The better the tissue paper = the better the pom.  The zebra print paper from Hallmark = score!


But, one little girl really brought her money. Too.Cute!

Carrie found 2 of these chairs at the flea market for 7.50 each.  They were previously dark wood with blue seat cushions.  Wild redo, huh?

These masks came from the invites I shared with you all here.

Favor bags filled with spa goodies.

Labels by yours truly. I heart the actual Zebra.

My girl needed a pedi, too! 

There were so many great photos from the party, however I only posted family ones since I did not get permission from other parents to post their children's pics online.

The party was a DIY SPA success.  I don't know what we'll come up with next little diva!


  1. oh my gosh Cate!! That is all SO CUTE! Did you have any of that zebra stuff before or make it all? We'll need to email about this, what a fabulous party, Elly's one lucky girl to have such talented aunties : )

  2. Thanks Jo! We threw most things together with lots of thrift store/yard sale/discount store finds although Carrie is a zebra print fan so they already had a few things lingering around the house. Callie and I even went out and got some Zebra print apparel! It was so much fun planning the party and everything panned out so well!

  3. And LOOK my first blog comment in weeks... I finally found an online convo to help me this a.m. and it worked! yay, I'm back!

  4. Hah just saw your messagback. Glad to see its up and working!
